

The rules to read before interacting

About Eath

All about Eath

About Hax

All about Hax

The World /World Building

General Information about the world of Finder of Aetheria

The Rules

Hey there! Thanks for visiting this page and reading my rules!Anyway, this is an independent blog for two original characters of mine; Eath and HaxAnywho, onto the rulesThis Blog Has Been Soft Rebooted.
It’s been awhile since I’ve been on tumblr and I’m trying to get used to it, so if I take a moment to respond to people please don’t think I’m ignoring you or the like. I also did a soft reboot, aka deleting all the old posts and art, on this blog as old rps and art differed greatly then the present day (as of 2022)
Addition: Url has been changed from Finderofdeath to EathandHax
Addition 2: Url has once more (and hopefully for the last time) been changed to OfLostinFound
Follow Backs / Mutuals Only:
I’m usually selective with who I follow, and as of 1/18/24 I am Mutuals Only for my own metal health and comfort.
What this means is that we have to both be following each other in order to interact / have threads / send asks.Of course there are exceptions - being side blogs with a hub blog, but I will be vigilant to check that is the case.I am also EXTREMELY selective with Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss blogs, mostly because the show has put a very bad taste in my mouth over how it handles characters and other themes in the show as well as the lore of the world clashing with my lore. IF you’re solely a Helluva Boss Blog and I don’t follow back at all, this is probably why.Icons:
I make all my icons myself using Eath and Hax’s Sims 4 selves. They’re not 100% accurate to their actual appearances but it words in place of drawing every single icon myself so I can focus on other projects. Please don’t take them and used them as your own, thank you
Reblogging Memes:
This is apparently a newer thing in the community, reblogging memes from the source to not clog up activity. I have come to like this rule and have implemented it here as well. Please reblog from the source UNLESS you plan to send in a meme. If you send in a meme feel free to disregard this and reblog directly from me.
Sending Memes:
Please please please make sure you specify a muse when you send in memes or asks. I have two primary muses (Eath and Hax) but I also have secondary muses such as Grimbright, Agares, Etc. so please tell me who you want to interact with or the ask will not be answered. Break this rule enough times and I might have to softblock, sorry.This also applies if you're a multimuse, specify BOTH my muse AND your muse or it wont get answered.
Art Memes/ Drawing Prompts:
I’m going to be extremely selective with Art memes/Drawing Prompts. Unless it’s stated otherwise in the tags that I’m accepted from everyone, we have to have interacted before and quiet commonly or I personally have told you OOC that you can send me such a prompt before I will do it. I will accept anon prompts, but only one or two depending.
Also please, please, try to only send one prompt if there are multiple choices. If you want to send another you can always send an ask or IM me, but please only one at a time.Also, if you’re not sure if you can send one in, just ask, I won’t get mad, and I’ll appreciate asking prior if you’re unsure.Anon Hate.
Don’t send it, it won’t be answered, constructive criticism and art advice is very much welcomed though.
This means that you take control of my OC and/ or kill them without my permission, which is a no no.
But I’m also somewhat flexible when it comes to this rule as some minor godmodding (assuming my character would hand you something if they were previously discussing giving it to you or if i put in the tags that it’s okay to assume something) is okay. Come pester me about it if you have questions!Multiship:
I do like to ships in all honesty, (mostly platonic, but this rule refers to romantic ships) I’m willing to multiship, all you have to do is ask. Relationships will be understood to not cross over unless otherwise discussed.
It used to be shown on the verses page that I had a main verse- which in the case of my characters would take place in their world. I tend to not use this verse and may remove it as I would like to later do something with Eath, Hax, and their world... but I am willing to talk about having muses interact in their main verse.
I do now have a Blog Canon verse, as I am now actively working on Eath and Hax's comic. This is the verse that will keep all the development and relationships that can come from having an OC rp blog- which will differ quite a bit from their canon Finder of Aetheria verse.Forcing Ships.
This has happened a few times and I don’t wish to have it repeated. I only ship chemistry, if they two get along, then they get along. If not, they’ll make great enemies.
Or buddies, who know?
Matters of NSFW/ Smut:
This blog tends to stay away from matters of Smut or the like, but heavy themes may appear (such as death for example) so be warned. If you need something tagged, let me know!
I tag triggers as follows: [trigger name] tw, [trigger name] mention twALSO: The Mun has made a nsfw sideblog for Hax only (@seekerofsins)so any and all future nsfw questions would be answered there.Writer ≠ Character:
If the character says something, does something, etc it does not mean that I also would do such things or would condone them. In the general scheme of things sometimes characters would do things a writer is absolutely disgusted with but it doesn’t mean the writer is romanticizing it or approves of it. Granted both Eath and Hax are generally good aligned characters, but there are upcoming side characters that are not.
Patience is Key:
My replies sometimes take awhile just due to the fact that life can be hectic and I have a lot of anxiety. But I’m generally good at replying in a timely manner and will put an update up if I find myself away from the blog for a long period of time.
But I ask that if it really seems as though I have forgotten our rp (longer than a few weeks or so say I’m not on hiatus) that you can come into my ask box and remind me once or twice. Please don’t be rude about it though, otherwise I will drop the rp.The About Page.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve started rping with someone and near instantly I know they haven’t read the about page. I know your muse may not know something about my characters… but you as the mun should know if you read the about.
Hax's Gender / Pronouns
Hax is Nonbinary and uses They/Them pronouns
Hax is Nonbinary and uses They/Them pronouns
They are NOT a she. They are NOT a he. They ARE A THEY.I've hesitated to put this here for I think too damn long. This blog has been up for years.Y'all. I'm tired of it. You get three strikes. I will DM you if you earn one. Go over that and you're getting hard blocked.Thanks for reading!-Ealinia

About Eath

Full Name: [Redacted]Nickname(s): Eath, Flower DaemonAge: 1,523 years
[ Appears and is the Daemon equivalent to 15 years old ]
Gender: Female
(Pronouns: She/Her)
Orientation: Asexual/ DemiromanticSpecies: Daemon (???)Height: 4ft 7in (145cm)Weight: 65lbs (29.5kg)Birthday: March 20thZodiac Sign: PiscesDisguise Source: Magical Bracelet given to Eath by one of her father’s old friends / her mentor.Personality / Description:Eath, at surface level, is a very anxious and curious girl. Tending to try to avoid people (humans, mainly) most times, but still wanting to learn about the residents of the world (Earth) she finds herself in after having been forced to run from her original world of Alius Orbis for [redacted] reasons. For her, making new friends come with the challenge and fear of being discovered by echoes of her past.Yet she can’t keep hiding forever, just surviving instead of living, so she’s taking steps to come out of her shell and really see what this world has to offer. Opening herself up to new possibilities, new dangers, and new friends, all after 500 years of wandering. Looking forward to the future now instead of hiding from it, though with these steps forward those echoes of her past grow ever closer to finding her.When getting to really know her though, most quickly realize that she is simply an absolute sweetheart who’s more lonely that her demeanor would lead most to believe. Approaching all she meets with an open mind and a smile- though a shy one- and facing the cruelness of the world with kindness. One could call her a pacifist of sorts, choosing to use words instead of violence when she can, but that doesn’t mean she wont defend herself or her friends if it all comes down to it.General Notes:Eyes: Eyes are white and her pupils are horizontal- like that of a goat. They tend to be quite off putting to those not used to them.Scars: She has a small burn scar on her upper left chest/ shoulder due to past events. She also possibly has some small almost unnoticeable scars on her hands/ feet/ legs from living in the forest. The scar on her upper chest/shoulder is usually covered/ protected by her top.Skin: Her skin is cold to the touch, but smooth much like that of a salamander. In fact it’s very much like a salamander as she actually breathes through her skin since she lacks lungs. She’s able to do this by having a light layer of moisture that covers it, which seems to evaporate the moment it leaves her skin, or if it’s too hot out, sometimes making her look to be surrounded by fog/steam. This could also be the cause of why she’s frequently cold to the touch.Hands and Feet: She only has four fingers per hand, and three toes per foot. Her hands have little sharp claws/nails, and her feet are more like a strange mix between a paw and a salamander foot? She does have small beans, yes.Ears: Goat like ears to match her general goat-like appearance, they are extremely sensitive and expressive- which sometimes makes it hard to hide her true feelings.Powers And Abilities:“Death Sensing” Abilities: She will have a sort of strange feeling that something is pulling her along towards the dead / something that is close to passing. She can attempt to ignore the feeling, but it can be difficult when it almost feels like it’s pulling at her very soul.Sometimes, however, this power of her’s seems to “glitch”, taking her to someone or something that isn’t in danger of passing nor is dead, but something about it calls to her. Perhaps its simply because she doesn’t quite have her abilities figured out just yet.When this happens her pupils turn a milky white and she holds a very unsettling 1000 yard stare.Disease immunity & Pain Suppression: Eath is generally immune to most diseases and illnesses, though she can still get “sick”- though that has more to do with how her environment affects her and it usually only lasts for however long the change in climate/ environment lasts… or until she gets used to it.She also naturally suppresses any pain from most injuries, though this can turn into a bad thing as she can go for days on end without knowing she cut up one of her limbs before truly treating it.Misty Form / Light Shape-changing: When she’s able to focus she is able to change into a form akin to that of fog or mist found after a heavy rain or early in the morning. This allows her to float off the ground for a short period of time and, thus, allow her to be quite agile.She can either be in a more solid state or more airy one depending on how much she was able to focus before entering the state. (Example: If she suddenly shifts into this form she can be knocked out of the air by hitting her or throwing something at her: Whereas if she is able to have time to focus she will be more airy and thus objects thrown at her will phase through her.)It is unknown if she can do more with this ability, she herself is still learning.Enhanced Strength: The most she can lift is about 5,000- maybe 6,000 pounds (around 2721 Kilograms). Any more than that and she’ll either have to push herself, or just leave the object there. Usually uses this when moving downed trees or working on fixing up her cabin- or in emergency situations. She a strong small. (For reference, she can lift a small car but not like, a truck)Swimming: She’s an excellent swimmer and, due to her unusual way of breathing, can stay submerged in the waters for an indefinite amount of time. She often finds herself feeling very at home in the water, though she is in no means reliant on water.Hearing: Her ears are very very sensitive and it is possible that she will hear you coming before your even in the area. This tend to contribute to her jumpiness.Peripheral Vision: Having horizontal pupils allows for better peripheral vision.The Following Abilities are Granted Solely from a Cursed Pendant that Eath Possesses:Summon Fire: She can use her pendant to set things on fire if she holds the gem to the object for a minute or so, but she rarely uses it for that due to the fact that her own body is extremely flammable.Teleportation: Does this with the help of the pendant that she got upon leaving her world. Won’t allow anyone to touch the necklace for some reason. It only takes her either to the nearest corpse in the area she wishes to go to, or to her house. Though as of late she’s found, if she focus enough, she can teleport to other places she’s been previously. Sometimes it even takes her to places she hasn’t been, but that pull her towards them all the same.Weaknesses:The Pendant: Using her "death sensing" ability, she must use the bodies of the dead to “feed” her necklace via a portal summoned by it. If she refuses to do this for long enough then the gem in the center starts to dim, and creatures around her start to suddenly and unexpectedly die- possibly as a last ditch effort by the necklace itself to no “starve”.She’s also very protective of the necklace for some unknown reason, so much so that she could ( possibly ) go berserk if she finds someone attempting to steal it/ break it.This is more of an emotional weakness, as it doesn’t hurt her physically.Fire: Due to the thin layer of moisture upon her skin being extra flammable she is, of course, not very fond of fire. The scar on her shoulder is a result of a small fire that made contact with her that was luckily put out before it could envelope her.Slow Healing: While her body naturally suppresses pain from injuries, which can be a good thing, it also is very slow to repair itself. If questions she will say that she “wasn’t always like that” but wont say much else past that.Possession: Her death sense, oddly enough, makes her vulnerable to spirits entering her body and taking over. Granted she herself has a strong soul, so she’ll try to fight back, but the initial possession won’t be something she can resist easily. Especially if her “death” sense is currently leading her somewhere.Hindrances
(not as bad as weaknesses but still something to take note of):
Hot Days: She can stand moderate temperatures, but let it get over a certain point and she can’t function or breathe properly… unless she swims to the bottom of a pond.Time: She has pretty much no concept of time due to the fact that her abilities get in the way, thus she’s always asking what day/time/year it is…
Time simply doesn’t seem to work with her… until she senses something about to pass.
Mirrors: Don’t ever put her in front of one. Ever. You’ll lose the mirror. This could be allocated to either: extremely low self esteem, or something else that she sees when looking in one. It’s unclear…Hearing: Though she can hear well, she is a jumpy person and thus can get stressed if hearing something too loud or unfamiliar.Other Demons/Daemons: In her story/ world she actually fears most other daemons discovering her- exceptions being ones she recognizes as friends or family. Though if she’s unable to tell if your muse is from her world or not, she will be more fearful / cautious.|| Disclaimer: This doesn’t mean your character- say they be a demon- have to react in a certain way to her. Worlds vary and she may not look too strange to your character. Though your character being unsure of her is welcomed if you wish to do so. My character will, however, react accordingly ||Verse / Blog Deviations:- The Wanderess:◈ Eath has slowly started unlocking the secrets of her powers, realizing that it's not just a death sense she possesses, but her power relate to a being's very soul
◈ It has been revealed that Eath is the daughter of one of the 72, with Duchess Agares being her grandmother
◈ She can focus the portals she summons via her pendant to teleport (mostly) where she wishes, and has discovered the ability to travel between realms.
- Finder of Aetheria:◈ No Current Deviations- Human:◈ TBA- Fantasy:◈ TBA-----------------------------------------------The information below use to be on a page called the Important Notes Page - I have hence changed that page to a World Building Page and moved it here for ease of access.The following Information is a Optional Read as most of this is stuff that can be discovered via Interaction.Eath’s Interests / General Habits:Gardening: Can commonly be found gardening/ tending to plants around her cabin. She can also be found harvesting what she can from wild plants, as well as tend to ones she sees around that have been neglected. She has a few rouge plants, that have found a way to grow inside the house itself, but she doesn’t mind them.Herbal Remedies / Medicinal Plants: Has a vast knowledge of medicinal plants and their various uses. If told that one of her friends is suffering something minor she may recommend some medicinal plants or gift them some from her garden.Tea: Loves tea, she tends to makes her own home grown blends most times and loves to share it with others who have an affinity for tea.Dancing: Does love to dance, can be found dancing gracefully through the forest from time to time.Attire: She does tend to wear her old clothes more frequently than other clothes. Sentimental value and the like, but she will occasionally wear what Hax makes for her. Not too often, though, as she fears ruining them and value’s all the hard work Hax put into every stitch.Collecting: She does tend to collect things she finds around, She has a coin and rock collection as well as a collection of pressed flowers.Carving/ Woodworking: Can be found carving on downed tree limbs/ logs as well as carving out little objects when she can. She has made a small mug that might be able to be used later if she works on it more.Crafting/ Scrapbooking: Loves crafting and scrapbooking, can be found making little crafts in her spare time or scrapbooking with Hax.Cabin Repairs/ Handiness: (If you muse is somehow able to access the cabin) She can be found repairing the cabin’s stairs, roof, walls, etc.Books and English: Loves books, and is teaching herself English (it’s her 3rd language) with Hax's assistance. Her choice of books and vary from full on novels to simple little factoid booklets.Meditation: Can often be found meditating to calm her mind, usually sitting next to a lake, on a smooth rock, or among tall grasses.Swimming: Very much loves swimming and often takes time while swimming in lakes or ponds to look for things at the bottom of them. Sometimes she will fall asleep underwater, even, which tends to worry Hax to death.

About Hax

Hax Is Nonbinary And Uses They/Them Pronouns Please Respect This Or I Will Block You. Sincerely A Fellow Nonbinary Person. -EaliniaFull Name: Haxton NitscheNickame: HaxAge: 2,322 years old
[ Appears and is the Daemon equivalent to 23 years old ]
Gender: Agender
Orientation: Panromantic / Pansexual (Also Polyamorus)Species: House Kobold
( Think Germanic Mythology, NOT DnD )
Height: 7ft 0in (214cm)Weight: 245lbs (111.13kg)Birthday: July 30, 0400Zodiac Sign: LeoDisguise Source: Ear cuff with a glamor stone, stolen from home realm. If unavailable a spell that actually turns them into a human temporarily (2 hours)Personality / Description:The troublemaker, the best friend, the guardian, all these titles can describe one Haxton Nitsche, but their friends call them Hax.The longtime friend of Eath, Hax is almost like an older sibling to the tiny “death-sensing” daemon, sometimes even being referred to as such by her. The two would make little crafts together, play games together, and always had each other’s back. At one point they swore to always look out for each other and never leave each other’s sides. Yet that promise would be broken, having been separated from their adoptive sister for a good five hundred years ever since The Incident.Hax was held back in their home realm of Alius Orbis for 200 of those 500 years until they escaped, leaving them wandering the human world for the remaining 300 until they’d come to find their friend again- yet now they were different.The Hax we know today is a lot more outgoing, loud, and spontaneous than the Hax Eath knew all those years ago. Now they’re the kind of person that wont hesitate to get themself (and nearby friends) into various, sometimes troublesome, situations if they think it will be a good time for all of them. Having become a more “in the moment type” of person and never ever dwelling on the past. In fact they almost seem to be trying to distract or distance themself from it…There are still parts of the old Hax that remain, however. Their kindness, their goofiness, their loyalty to their friends, that never faded, and it never will. They have someone they need to protect, now they they’d found her again, and they’d rather die then break their promise a second time.Especially if it means making up for what happened all those years ago.General Notes:Clothes: Their attire changes, A LOT, and they will wear pretty much anything. But they do have a favorite outfit that they wear that consists of a blue and pink shirt layered under a heavy black vest, a pair of skinny jeans, and some black boots.Sight: Hax is actually farsighted and has trouble seeing things up close. Such they need glasses and always have a pair on them, but they don’t wear them as they should.Hands and Feet: Only has three fingers per hand and two toes per foot -as least visibly (if you were to x-ray their hands the bones in their hands and feet are fused/missing). This also applies to their human form, they have ectrodactyly.Eyes: Bright red eyes with a slit pupil (Like a gecko or cat).Scars/Skin: Smooth like that of a gecko, almost exactly like that of a gecko actually. There’s a rather large burn scar across their chest from a past event, it can be rather sensitive if struck.Piercings: 1 Nose piercing, A pair of Snake Bites, 6 Ear piercings, formally had a tongue piercing but got rid of it.Wings: They have two tiny wings on their back- they’re essentially useless for flight and mostly just get in the way, but when asked they’ll talk about how they used to be able to fly with them.Tail: Well, not really, but they used to have one, now they have a nub. It was gecko-like.Height: As stated above they are 7 feet tall even, this is very unusual for a kobold from their world as kobolds usually gets to 3 ½ ft to 4ft max.Gender: Hax is Nonbinary and uses THEY/THEM Pronouns. Yes it's on here THREE TIMES.Powers And Abilities:Invisibility: It’s a rarely used power of their’s and they only tend to use if if they don’t like someone, are messing with someone, in a fight, or are trying to get away from a situation. Even then, they aren’t actually fully invisible, a transparent shade of them can usually be seen if one focuses enough.They mention, sometimes, how they used to be able to turn fully invisible a long time ago.Enhanced Speed: Hax can reach speeds up to about 60 MPH in short bursts.Mimicry: Can perfectly mimic the voice of others / sounds they’ve heard before. Much like a crow but they’ve mastered it to the point where they sound a lot more natural.But the thing is, they don’t have their own voice, so they tend to switch between voices each time they speak. They try to use similar sounding voices as not to freak others out. However they will change voices dramatically (like changing from a soft voice to a more gruff one) if they feel comfortable with you, or if they want to mess with you.Other uses of this power include: being able to scream at frequencies able to shatter glass, layering voices to give off a more ethereal feel, being able to perfectly recall and repeat a conversation they’ve heard, being able to mimic entire songs including the instrumental parts.Retractable Claws: Like a cat, sort of. They comes out when they flex their hand a certain way.Fast Healing: As it sounds, they heal pretty quickly. Cuts will scab over over a matter of moments and broken bones tend to only last a few days. This however also depends on their body temperature. If they’re cold they will heal a lot slower and if they’re warm they’ll heal at their normal rate.Empathic Perception: Hax is able to pick up on the emotions others are feeling a little easier than most. They can’t read minds, and it’s more than just reading a room as they can sometimes feel the emotions of people they can’t even see. They mostly use this ability to tell when someone would be more in the mood for more mischevious fun or to comfort friends in need.Daemon Magic: They, like most daemons, have a natural affinity for magic / an easier time manipulating the energy of the world(s). This is one of their more unpolished skills, as their parents more or less valued “manual work” over the “easy way out of magic”. They lean more into defensive magics, however, due to having to use some when dealing with their six siblings.Restoration Magics: Tying into the above magical prowess, this is a skill they taught themselves over the years but haven’t had much time to polish. So sure they can heal any cuts, bruises, or broken bones you have… but it will hurt both the healer and the person being healed.The intensity of the pain depends on the injury, however, as tiny cuts will only sting while being healed, while broken bones will possibly make the person pass out and exhaust Hax.They do want to learn more though, to get better at healing without fully draining their own energy, mostly for Eath’s sake and the sake of any of their other friends. But it’s a bit hard when there isn’t anyone around to help teach them.Weaknesses:Cold / Ice / Winter: Hax is pretty much a weird lizard daemon, as such they are ectothermic. First, they’ll pass out from it as their body will feel the need to shut down for the winter. Second, It can kill them if they’re exposed to it for too long after initially passing out.Fire: They have a slight fear of fire from a past event that gave them their chest scar. It’s not so much a weakness physically as it is emotionally. Granted they won’t panic from simply seeing fire, but if it’s used against them then they’re more prone to panic / try to flee.Aquaphobia: The fear of water due to past events. Thought it could be narrowed down to Thalassophobia, the fear of large bodies of water. Though they will panic if splashed unexpectedly by a small amount of water.They tend to stay away from lakes, oceans, etc due to this- especially during the winter as being submerged in icy waters for a long period of time can possibly kill them. Reasons being that, despite their body slowing down all it’s functions in the cold waters, they’d still need to take a breath at some point.Daemon magics: If they backfire, because they can and have caused some strange shit.Emotional Manipulation: They are… very susceptible to emotional manipulation tactics. Especially from those they have come to trust / see as a friend / believe to have their best interest in mind.Other Demons/ Daemons: They’re always on the lookout for others from their wold of Alius Orbis for the sake of both themself and their adoptive sister / friend Eath.|| Disclaimer: This doesn’t mean your character- say they be a demon or daemon- have to react in a certain way to them. Worlds vary and they may not look too strange to your character. Though your character being unsure of them is welcomed if you wish to do so. My character will, however, react accordingly ||Hindrances
(not as bad as weaknesses but still something to taking into account):
Eath: Extremely loyal to her, hold her hostage and they’ll do anything to get her back. However, their loyalty to her can also be a strength from time to time.“What’s up with your voice?”: The fact that they constantly have to switch voices since they technically don’t have their own is a rather sensitive topic to them, so it’s best not to bring up the strange changing in voice if they drastically (going from say the voice of a child to the voice of an adult) switch voices. Though muses will be musesVerse / Blog Deviations:- The Guardian:◈ Due to a time of extreme emotional stress Hax had undergone a form known as their Inner Demon form. A form that is comprised of a daemon's worse fears and doubts made physical, and generally deadly to both others and themself. Surviving this form took an immense toll on them, leaving them with a scar down the center of their face.
◈ Surviving the above Inner Demon form also had some side effects, when they get upset their scar grows and can eventually split their face into two parts. It's sort of a prelude to possibly falling back into that form. None of this is on command and usually is due to extreme stress or other emotions.
◈ Post Inner Demon Hax has cut their hair into an undercut flipped over to the right side of their face
◈ Hax has lost their left arm from slightly above the elbow down. They usually wear a shoulder cape to cover it. They have only recently been made aware of who attacked them and took their arm (Grimbright).
◈ Hax's tail also finally (after hundreds of years) grew back, it's gecko-like and has spots and stripes along the top of it. The spots and stripes do also go up to the base of their neck.
- Finder of Aetheria:◈ No Current Deviations- Human:◈ TBA- Fantasy:◈ TBA-----------------------------------------------The information below this line use to be on a page called the Important Notes Page - I have hence changed that page to a World Building Page and moved it here for ease of access.The following Information is a Optional Read as most of this is stuff that can be discovered via Interaction.Hax’s Interests / Habits:Mute: Then there are times, usually close to the end of each day (8pm or so depending on how much they talked that day), where they are unable to speak due to overuse of their mimicking abilities. Their throat tends to hurt so much at the end of the day that their voices give out and they have to use a notepad to communicate.Verbal Tic: Hax tends to say the word “darling” a lot, they don’t mean anything by it most times, it’s kind of just something they say or interject into their sentences without really thinking about it. They will stop if asked though.Tailor: They’re a tailor of over 2,000 years so they will often comment that they either are working on a current garment or want to talk about tailoring with others of the trade. The only problem for them is materials, but they’re working on that.Barista: Despite being a master tailor, they can’t exactly put that on a resume, so they currently work the morning shift at a coffee shop / bakery in the town of Hilbrook. It’s where they pick up some recipes for their own baking.Baker: They love to bake / make sweets, mostly for their friends and family. It’s become somewhat of a special insterest in a sense and they’re already trying to find someone to try their confections.Singer: Can commonly be found singing during a karaoke night at a club or wherever there is a karaoke night. They love to sing and will rock out if given the chance, but don’t let them dance.Scrap-booking: Its a tiny hobby of theirs they share with Eath and love to do in their spare time.Early morning Jogger: They can be found jogging from time to time when they’re not working at the coffee shop / bakery. They do actually like to jog- it relaxes them and prepares them for the day. Helps them get out some energy too.Walks: Likes to go on nice walks, either alone or with Eath. usually humming a tune while walking.


The WorldEarth - The Primary Setting: Eath and Hax’s Story / general verse on this blog takes place in an alternate modern day earth, daemons and stuff are regarded as myth, legend, generally not real, however there are more records of daemons and the like intertwined with human history- and for a good reason, there used to be a lot of them all over the world but then one day they just vanished and were more or less forgotten.Alius Orbis. In reality daemons had retreated to a “mirror” version of Earth; a place the 72 rulers of the world had made for their people that they deemed “Alius Orbis”.It’s not an exact copy of Earth, not as humans know it.The Land: More pangea-likeThe Beasts: A mix of creatures there most humans could only dream of, and species of animals that, in our world, have been extinct for eons.The Sky: filled with false crystal stars and a crystal sun and moon that provide a dimly lit world. At it’s brightest, it’s similar to dawn or dusk. At it’s darkest - nearly pitch black or void-like.The People: Daemons, in which humans outnumber them an average 650 to 1. The average population being about only 11 million compared to Human’s 8 Billion.This is where Eath and Hax are from- and the place they’re running from for their various reasons.Daemons: The word daemon, in this setting, means "a (nonhuman) resident of Alius Orbis." more than it is an actual species. In fact many species make up the people of Alius Orbis such as Kobolds, Harpies, Sirens, Incubi and Succubi, and so on. Most Species detailed in human mythology make up the people that live in this world.The Town of HilbrookHilbrook: There is a quiet town the boarders the forest, though not exactly right on the edge. There are a few good sized parks between the forest and the actual town- people tend to think Eath and Hax live around the park area as they rarely share where they truly live with the humans living there.Town Areas: There’s a small cafe or two, A relatively large library, A few parks, a bar or two, a variety of shops and occasional street vendors, etc. It’s not a very big town, but it’s big enough that not everyone knows each other and there are quite a few places to explore.The Blue Spirit Forest / Eath’s CabinThe Forest Itself: A forest named the Blue Spirit Forest after various accounts of humans over the centuries seeing a “blue spirit”. Tales of the spirits range from benevolent to malicious. Some claiming she causes hikers to fall to their deaths and their bodies never be found. Others claiming that she appeared right as they have found themselves lost and led them back to safety.The Spirit in question is, of course, Eath who slipped up a few times when spying on humans while living within the forest.Outside of the legends, the forest is one of the main draws of the small town, as it had been declared a nature preserve. Leaving this vast, mysterious, “haunted” place to draw in people from various places.There are hiking trails for the tourists, but they barely scratch the surface of how expansive the forest is. That and they don’t get anywhere near a certain old well-hidden cabin.Eath’s Place of Residency: Speaking of the cabin; About a hundred years ago Eath came across a young man building a cabin in the middle of this forest. Curious, and near the cave her mentor often took residence at when wanting to study the stars from the mountain, she spied on him through the years as he constructed it and began to live there. The cabin was built seemingly for the purpose of solitude and study, yet the man, growing old, seemed to warm up to the strange “spirit” that hung around his cabin.Eventually, when he grew old and weary, he left one day to go to the town being constructed nearby. Leaving a key and a note tied around the door handle for Eath to find.She’s live there ever since. Keeping the cabin in as best shape as she can, having learned some techniques for it’s construction and upkeep in the times she spent observing the human.Cabin Note for Other Muses: Unless Eath or Hax has shown another muse the cabin, have developed strong bond, or your muse has another, probably supernatural way, of locating Eath and Hax, the cabin is extremely well hidden and rarely a place they've shared with other muses.Eath will gladly share parts of the forest with strangers, show them how to navigate it if they're lost, but the chance of her showing a stranger the cabin is slim to none.